Community methods of sampling for the official control of pesticide residues an and on animal and plant based products.

This text defines the quality of samples within the strict framework of official controls carried out by the French State. This is done through the DGAl and control plans on French production, through the Ministry of the Economy and the Joint Laboratories Service (ex DGCCRF) and the Community control plan and incoming production on French territory.

Link directive









Official control / self-monitoring

Plant based primary food products 

 - Fresh fruits
 - Fresh vegetables, including potatoes and sugar beet, excluding aromatic plants

Small fresh products, unit weight <25g

berries, peas, olives

Entire units, packages or units taken with a sampling device

1 kg / 0.5 kg

Medium sized fresh products, unit weight from 25 to 250g 

apples, oranges

Entire units

1 kg / 0.5 kg

minimum 10 units / -

Large fresh products, unit weight > 250g

cabbages, cucumbers, grapes (bunches)

Entire units

2 kg / 1 kg

minimum 5 units / -


Dehydrated beans; dehydrated peas


1 kg / 0.5 kg


rice, corn


1 kg / 0.5 kg


Tree nuts

Except for coconut




1 kg / 0.5 kg

5 units / -




0,5 kg

Seeds for drinks and sweets

Cofee beans


0,2 kg


Aromatic herbs

Fresh parsley

other fresh herbs


entire units

0,5 kg / 0,3 kg

0,2 kg



Entire units, packages or units taken with a sampling device

0,1 kg / 0,050 kg

Plant-based processed food

  • Secondary food products of plant origin, dried fruit, vegetables, herbs, ground cereal products.
  • Plant-based products, teas, plants for infusions, vegetable oils, juices and other products, for example, processed olives and citrus molasses.
  • Processed products (single ingredient), of vegetable origin, with or without conditioning agents or with or without secondary ingredients, such as flavouring agents, spices and condiments, and which are normally pre-packaged and ready for consumption with or without cooking.
  • Processed (multi-ingredient) plant-based products, including products with ingredients of animal origin in which the ingredient(s) of plant origin predominate, breads and other cooked cereal products.

High unit value products


Packages or units sampled using a sampling device

0,1 kg / 0,020 kg (powders)

Bulk, low-density solid products

Hops, tea, herbal infusions

Packaged units or units taken with a sampling device 

0,2 kg

 Other solid products

 Bread, flour, dried fruits

Entire packages or other units or units taken with a sampling device

0,5 kg / 0,2 kg


Vegetal oils, juices, wines* and beers*

Packaged units or units taken with a sampling device  

0,5 l or 0.5 kg / 0,05 l or 0,05 kg

Essential oils *


5 to 10 ml

Hydrolats, floral waters *



0,1 l or 0.1 kg

Eggs and dairy products: description of primary samples and minimum sample size


Eggs, excluding quail eggs and other similar eggs


Whole eggs

12 whole hen eggs, 6 whole goose or duck eggs

Quail eggs and silimar type of eggs


Whole eggs

24 whole eggs



Entire units or units taken with a sampling device 

0.5 l / 0,2 l

Processed food of animal origin

  • Secondary food of animal origin, secondary dairy products such as skimmed milk, condensed milk and powdered milks
  • Edible animal by-products, milk fats, derived dairy products such as butters, butteroils, creams, cream powders, caseins, etc.
  • Processed (single-ingredient) foods of animal origin, processed dairy products such as yoghurts, cheeses, etc.
  • Processed (multi-ingredient) foods of animal origin, manufactured dairy products (including products containing ingredients of plant origin in which the ingredient(s) of animal origin predominate, such as processed cheese products, cheese preparations, flavoured yoghurt, sweetened condensed milk.

Liquid milks, powdered milks, concentrated milks and creams, dairy-based ice creams, yoghurts


Packaged units or units taken with a sampling device 

0,5  l / 0,2 l (liquid)
0,5  kg / 0,2 kg (solid)

(i) Evaporated milks and creams must be thoroughly mixed prior to sampling, the substances adhering to the walls and bottom of the container must be loosened and the mixture must be thoroughly stirred. Take 2 to 3 litres and stir again before collecting the sample.
(ii) Powdered milks must be sampled aseptically by inserting a dry probe into the core of the powder at a constant penetration rate.
(iii) Creams should be thoroughly mixed with a bat before sampling, foaming, whipping and churning must be avoided.

Butter and butyric oils

Butter, serum butter,spreads, low-fat, containing butterfat, anhydrous butyric oil, anhydrous milk fat

Entire units or parts of packaged unit(s) or unit(s) taken with a sampling device

0,2  kg
0,2  l

Cheeses including melted cheese

Unit weight of 0,3 kg or more

Unit weight of less than 0,3 kg



Entire unit(s) or unit(s) divided using a sampling device


0,5 kg

0,3 kg

Liquid, frozen or dried egg products


Unit(s) collected aseptically using a sampling device

0,5  kg

Meat and poultry : description of primary samples and minimum size of laboratory samples 

Primary food products of animal origin

Mammalian livers, fresh/refrigerated/frozen


Entire liver or part of the liver

0,4 kg / 5 g



Water and effluents (not covered by the directive)

 - Water runoff, underground, catchment ...

 - Irrigation water

 - Process water

Freshwater for trace detection less than or equal to 0.1µg/l 


Active or passive sampling

1 litre

Irrigation water for trace detection less than or equal to 0.1µg/l

Irrigation water for trace detection at 10 µg/l (vegetal equivalent)


1 litre


100 ml


Process water for trace detection less than or equal to 0.1µg/l

Process water for trace detection at 10 µg/l ( vegetal equivalent).



1 litre



100 ml


Concentrated product resulting from the rinsing of treatment equipment (sprayers, tanks, etc.).

100 ml




Apiary products (not covered by the directive)



Bees, bumblebees, nymphs, etc.


100 g / 10 g




50 g



50 g



20 g



2 g



No frame

100 g



Air  (not covered by the directive)


    The projects are to be considered after exchanges, according to the molecule(s), the support, the objective...



Seeds  (not covered by the directive)


      Large size seeds


50 g

      Small size seeds 


 20 g

Coated seeds for determination of coating concentration 


1 kg and at leats 500 seeds



Soils  (not covered by the directive)




depending on the area considered

500 g



Formulations (not covered by the directive)

  • determining the concentration of active ingredients in the formulation
  • search for traces

Depending on your speciality, we will determine the volumes together.



the elements are not included in the directive 2002/63 EC.